Many teenagers and parents of teenagers understand the overall significance of the peer pressure. They have to know about good and bad sides of peer pressure in teens. They must aware of how to deal with such thing. In general, teenagers make most friends and fun with them. They get influenced by their friends and confide in them. They get peer pressure from the friendship and social circle.
The main causes of peer pressure
In general, peer pressure is a situation in which the teenager feels compelled to do anything as they require to be a part of their social circle. Teenagers like to be valued by their social circle and give importance to the opinion of their peers rather than their own thoughts. There are many causes of peer pressure in our time. On the other hand, the main causes are as follows.
- Popular TV culture
- Poor relationship skills
- No expertise to deal with the peer pressure
- Avoid ridicule and shame
- School environment
- Poor parenting
- Poor discipline in the house
- Bullying behavior
- Low confidence
- Wanting to fit in
Teenagers like to make positive changes in their routine activities and use every chance to achieve their goal about the improved lifestyle. They can focus on everything related to the main causes and effect of peer pressure in detail. They get the absolute assistance and fulfil their expectations about the enhancement in their standard of living.
You may get confused with different things associated with the teenage peer pressure at this time and think about how to deal with this situation. The two types of teen peer pressure are positive peer pressure and negative peer pressure.
The positive peer pressure makes the teen to do positive things like participating in the competition, joining in the local fitness center, following healthy and everyday habits. The negative peer pressure causes the teen to choose habits deemed irrelevant for their age. Some of these habits are drug abuse, smoking, drinking, unsafe sex and illegal activities.
Make a good decision
As a parent of a teen, you have to be conscious about the overall behavioral changes in your kid. You have to take essential action when you see the signs of the negative peer pressure. For example, you have to start a step to assist your teen to overcome erratic behavior and display of aggression never before.
Teens with the negative peer pressure do not talk openly with other members of the family and seem depressed. They get angry for simple things and are short-tempered. They have trouble falling asleep and appear unwell due to changes in their physical appearance.
Parents can support their teens to manage the peer pressure. They can ask about their teen’s day like whom they met and how the day was. This is because they have to keep themselves updated about everything in the life of their teenagers. This is worthwhile to maintain the calm approach to deal with the negative peer pressure of the teenager. Do not shout or get angry. You have to make your teen comfortable to approach you with their confess and problems.