What to do when your child hates getting their haircut done

Some parents really are confused to understand why their boy behaves so oddly when he gets a haircut. Fortunately, your child is able to conquer its fear of being cared for and learn how to having a child who hates getting haircut done once in a while in the hair lounge.

  1. Set up your appointment or after a nap in the morning. When they are well rested, most young children appear to be at their best.
  2. Touch your child’s head sometimes, a friendly ruffle of hair that lets you feel your child’s head is brushed by a brush or a gentle massage. This decreases your child’s stress and stops them from reaching out during the haircut with their hands.
  3. Speak about what will happen a few days before in a fun and exciting way! Let your child choose their own haircut. Explain that the person who cuts their hair will have very special, tiny scissors and a razor, that they will touch the head and will be squirting their hair with some water. (as if they go to a theme park) try to stay calm and comfortable, your child will certainly know if the haircut is worrying and worrying.getting hair cut done kid
  4. Make sure your stylist is professional and professional. Completing a good haircut on a squeaky, bumpy child is a challenge and it cannot be tested when you arrange an apprentice or someone who is inexperienced.
  5. Give your child a spare top to put on after the haircut. Many kids are prone to wearing the haircut cape because they end up with hair and really itchy!
  6. Avoid haircutting as a punishment for actions. Or otherwise negative.
  7. Do not take other food products during haircutting. The food gets hairy and then goes to the mouth of your infant, which creates further anxiety.
  8. You should never feel humiliated by the actions of your child in a salon. For many youngsters, a haircut is a very daunting experience and much of it grows up if handled with kindness by the designer.
  9. Praise your boy, encourage and distract during the haircut.
  10. You would like the hair of your child to be cut into an image or a simple illustration of what you want before your hand if you had a certain style. For a boy, a quick haircut is generally a good thing, since they do not want to sit on the chair trying to be too long.